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Hey Pumpkins! How was your week! I came out alive once again from a busy, tedious work routine and now cannot contain my excitement for Ramadan! The week kept me huddled in Ramadan preparations; got shopping done, and finished some work beforehand so I don’t have to fret over the unmet deadlines later on.  Not much happened around last week but I still managed to strike excitement in my own way. So, here is a little run down of my week.

Mcdonald’s Open Door

Last week, Mcdonald’s Karachi opened their doors to bloggers so I got a chance to peep inside their kitchen. It was both a fun and revealing visit as we were shown around the kitchen stations from storage, freezer, cooking, to fire management area. It was obvious how every process is streamlined with upto date technology and how much thought is given to cleanliness and hygiene during every process. I was always curious to know what is the oil usability checking mechanism and I came to know they have a oil color check every day. If the color doesn’t meet a pre-set standard, it is changed right away! AAAAANNND, I learnt to make my own Chocolate Sundae too which never tasted better! How cool is that!!!


me mcdonalds

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The Mini Bird show

If someone asks me where does my soul find refuge? without a second thought, my response will be “in cuddling adorable, innocent pets”.

A mini bird show was organized last week in Expo centre for which I had been completely head over heels. Unfortunately it turned out to be a disappointment. Firstly, the turnaround was not huge *no surprise here*, and secondly the birds appeared irritated and tired for everyone was forcefully trying to pet them. It was more like a selfie competition than a bird show! Well, despite all of this I tried having a heart to heart conversation with some of these little souls and one of them actually liked me alot. I am naming him *Gappu*!


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Food Haul

Had the crispiest home made snack “Mangochian” made of Mung bean, gram flour, coriander leaves, cumin powder and red pepper flakes. It’s more like our family snack which all us thoroughly enjoy! Should I share the recipe on blog?


Work meetings

A you know I run an online store Fixation, so the week remained quite productive in terms of brand collaborations. I am bringing certain changes in the business model and for that I had a chance to brainstorm with the potential partners. If everything goes right, a lot of exciting things are lined up! Totally psyched and looking forward to it!


That’s all from my side! Have a wonderful weekend. Forget work, go nutz!






Hina Ilyas
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