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Mint Honey Lemonade

One thing I am doing after a 15 hours long day of fasting is to get bloated with chilled water and juices like I wouldn’t get to drink them ever again. You do it too right?

Instead of sufficing on *mom’s favorite* sharbats and drinks everyday, I have planned to make my own cocktails and juices at home. So this Mint Honey Lemonade is first in line this week.

I often make the plain version of lemonade using lemons, sugar, and black salt. Bringing a little variation this time, I infused the flavors of mint and honey with lemon.

Everyone follows their own recipe when it comes to flavor infused lemonade. Some like preparing a sugar syrup first, while others prefer mixing the ingredients into freshly squeezed lemon juice. The recipe I followed is really easy, require just basic ingredients and the preparation time is also short. Also, it’s an invigorating drink given the hot and humid weather these days. So, here is the recipe, get set go!


Ingredients (serves 2 to 3 people)

4 lemons

1/2 cup (20 g) fresh mint leaves

1/2 cup sugar

4-5 teaspoon honey

6 ice cubes

4 cups water


Pour freshly squeezed lemon juice into the blender and add mint leaves. Add honey and sugar followed by ice cubes and water. Blend all the ingredients well and add crushed ice if required. There you have a refreshing mint honey lemonade!

Why I preferred blending mint leaves is to get the most of the flavor which is a bit onerous to collect by simply crushing them. You can alternatively mix all the ingredients in a jug, but there is going to be a slight difference in taste. So, blending is preferable!

See it was that easy!

It will hardly take you 15 minutes to make this summer perfect lemonade. There are so many flavors you can play with this recipe like adding ginger syrup, black pepper or water melon juice. Do whatever pleases your taste buds most, but only after you have tried this classic mint honey lemonade recipe.

Thats a wrap for today! I will come up with another easy peasy refreshing drink next week. Till then, keep watching this space or that or probably this for further updates.

Happy fasting and remain hydrated!


Hina Ilyas
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2 thoughts on “The Refreshing Mint Honey Lemonade

  1. Tiffany @ Parsnips + Pastries says:

    This looks delicious. Mint lemonade is one of my favorites and I love the addition of honey! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hina Ilyas says:

      Thanks Tiffany! It was the first time I added honey too and it turned out pretty good. Best summer elixir!

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