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What is one thing about summer which makes you cross and crabby? For me, that would be keeping my skin fresh, and moisturized at the same time. Right as the weather starts showing tantrums, moisturizing, and acne management becomes a real struggle. I have a combination skin and after some trial and error, I finally stocked myself up with some of the skincare products which are best suited for summer. If you are still indecisive about your summer skin care, you might want to have a look at my picks here!

Neem Powder

I had been using Food for your face for quite sometime, but recently switched to Neem Powder by Saeed Ghani since acne started behaving like a really stubborn child. The benefits of Neem for acne and oil control are already known so I would call it a must have summer pick.  I apply it as a face mask but it can also be used as a mild scrub since it contains dry neem leaves.  The odor is obviously not so appealing, but it works wonder for treating blemishes and acne.


Orange Face Cleanser

I am hooked to this cleanser by Saeed Ghani for a while. The orange odor is absolutely summer fresh, and it doesn’t leave your skin acne prone despite continuous use *I have had some terrible experiences with cleansers previously*.


St. Ives Scrub

The odor is HEAVENLY!

I have been using this scrub religiously for about six years now. Although I tried switching to other brands out of curiosity but always reverted back to St Ives. Pink lemon mandarin has smaller scrubbing granules as compared to the apricot flavor, so use it if you have sensitive skin, else apricot would suit you quite alright. I freaking live by it during summers because our basic skin requirement is  to get away from excess oil, do away with blemishes and keep the skin clear. Use it twice a week!


Loreal Hydra Total 5

Picking the right moisturizer for summer can be quite tricky specially if your skin is as confused as mine. I had skipped my moisturizer routine for sometime until I recently began using Loreal Hydra Total 5. This moisturizing gel is ideal for summer as it doesn’t leave oily residues. But, yes if you have an extremely oily skin type, you might want to reconsider Hydra Total 5. I am going to do a complete review of this product soon, so keep your eyes fixed here!


Lip Scrub

For most of us, lip scrubbing is just an unnecessary additional chore, but trust me, once you get habitual of it, you would make it your weekly ritual. I came across this delicious scrub by Scoop-O-Scrub and loving every bit of it. This one is strawberry flavoured sugar scrub with no artificial additives. The fact that it’s edible as well makes me keep licking it more than I probably scrub it! So yes, it has turned one of my favorite lip care products.


Rose Water

No! I cant think of surviving summers without rose water. From daily toning to making masks mixtures, rose water comes handy for a number of skin care routines. If nothing else, just casually spritz a little rose water randomly after washing your face for instant skin glow.


So, this is my summer beauty skincare routine. Let’s break it down according to brand and price here!


As you must have noticed, I am using organic, natural products as compared to chemically stacked ones, mainly because these products really suit my skin type and partially because my focus is on skin deep care and not just artificially induced short term solutions. In short, my skin care these days costs around Rs 2000/ for six essential items. I believe it’s totally worth the price. What is your summer skin care routine?




Hina Ilyas
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