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How did your year go in terms of fashion and style?

If the answer to this question is “oh, absolutely remarkable”, then this post is not really for you *well you can still read and enlighten me with your amazing style sense”. And if the answer is “alright, not so cool, or average”, there there! Girl, this is exactly what you should be reading! There are a certain style hacks I followed this year and they worked pretty well! I am sharing a few here so you could give them a go next year!

Pull off something you have been too nervous to attempt before

There must be a top, an accessory, or a beauty trend which you really want to pull off but think it will make you look too loud or too boring. Well, it’s time to put these fears aside and attempt something you have been meaning to try. For instance, I had always felt skirt is something not meant for me, but I bought one and felt totally comfortable and chic flaunting it. Likewise, how about you try some vibrant colored clothing for a change this year? How would you know if something suits you if you don’t even try it? So stop being awed by that girl next door and just do it!


Time to dig your Ammi’s closet

The coolest stuff might be lurking inside your mum’s closet. We are not suggesting you to just raid her closet but ask if there is something they loved but do not wear anymore. Luckily, it might fit you! For instance, I found this short kashmiri embroidered shirt inside my mum’s closet which I am planning to wear formally! The best part of this vintage shirt is that the pattern of fine embroidery done on this piece is rare to find now! How cool is that!!!

full wardrobe, nothing to wear

Time to get that haircut!

Yes! You thought about it last year as well. Then why didn’t you? So stop thinking, and get that haircut if you believe it will bring out your sassy self! Doesn’t matter even if you want to shave your head! Go ahead girl!

Do not let your closet turn into a thrift shop!

Seriously! There must be at least 5 to 6 things which you haven’t worn for like a decade! Reason might be anything-you wear a different size now, it’s no more in style, or you just fell out of love with that piece! Regardless, do not let these clothes clog your closet. Give them away to charity, recycle them in an entirely different way, or give them away to your baby sister-she would be more than happy!


Invest in a hot red lipstick

Stuffing your beauty box with at least one red lip color should top this list!*don’t ask me, I probably just have red, every shade of it*. There are a lot of different shades of red you can wear, choose the one which suits you here and invest in one from a good brand!


Treat yourself like a queen once in a while

There is no harm in buying an expensive quality fashion accessory once in awhile. Buy that eye shadow palette you fell for, that vintage watch you set your eyes on, or the pair of pants you thought was too expensive yet too hot! Giving yourself a royal treatment at times is no harm as long as it doesn’t leave you completely broke!

child bereavement kate waving with flowers

Hope the coming year you are not shy at all to wear whatever you like, so make some amazing style statements and remain fashionable. Roll like a Diva! Happy New Year!





Hina Ilyas
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