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One of the perks of being a bloggers is that you get to meet celebrities once in awhile. Only this time it was our personal favourite cast of one of the highly anticipated movies “Ho Mann Jahan”. We met them in a bloggers meetup organized at Espresso-The Place.

The event began at 7 p.m and  we were on time as usual. The venue could have been better we believe because this outlet of Espresso is not mich spacious and cozy; so everything looked quite cluttered.

Anyway, right on entering the cafe, we came across Mahira Khan posing and chit chatting with the fellow bloggers. She wore a plain black outfit coupled with a leopard print faux fur. The attire was fit to the weather but could not bring out her usual spark*atleast that is what we felt*. We clicked a few pictures with her and talked about her role in the movie.



Moving on, Sheheryar munawar who was busy signing the movie posters greeted us like he had known us for ages. We found him to be one of the most cool, down to earth celebrities to talk to. Similarly, Adeel Hussain was all a chatter box sharing his experience of Ho Mann Jahan. His decision of not doing dramas anymore unless a really good script comes up broke our heart! But knowing that he is writing a script himself gave us some hope! *yes we like to see him more in dramas*

sheheryar munawar
A lil chitchat with sheheryar munawar


Adeel Hussain sharing his movie experience


Sonya Jehan wore a rather effortless attire and looked adorable in a white top and candy pink pants. She shared her favorite bloopers from the movie, and how she successfully learnt riding a bike during the shoot. She conversed quite casually and said she is too specific about taking up projects in the near future as she has to prioritize her family first.

sonya jehan
With sonya jehan and a fellow blogger

Some Fun Facts

The cast shared some fun facts about the movie! Like Adeel Hussain, who appears moving to ‪#‎ShakarWandan‬ beat like an expert is actually a pro in dancing! Sherhryar fell a couple of times during the shoot, plus he learnt playing guitar right on the set (atleast thats what he told us :p). Sonya Jehan is totally obsessed with every single song of the movie and Mahira Khan had been the most fun and bubbly person on the set to work with!

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Asim Raza with sheheryar munawar

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It was great meeting the cast, they truly make an amazing team! We are looking forward to this movie! Good luck to the cast!

Hina Ilyas
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