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When it comes to skin care, I keep looking for instant solutions. I am not a salon going person and the only services I avail are waxing and haircut *well, do I have any other choice? sigh!* it doesn’t mean I am against personal grooming, but I am just a bit lazy to spend extensive hours primping when I could rather sleep, or do whatever I do best.

On a serious note, my work schedule doesn’t allow me to perform lengthy, tedious beauty rituals, so if a product promises instant, but effective skin solution, it’s always a good news for me! My definition of “instant solution”is anything which involves minimum usage hassle without any compromise on quality. For instance, bleaches, and vanishing creams are big “NO” for me although nothing could be a more instant beauty or rather “gora honay ka hack” than these products. *Major eye roll*

I recently came across a newly launched skin solution “Food for your Face“. The brand promises all natural skin care products infused with essential oils for rejuvenated, and refreshing skin. I bought their “Mint cooler Face Pack” which is ideal for normal skin type. Here is a short review of this product.

1. This is the 100 gms (approximately) face pack which I received. It comes in a handy, easy to use pouch unlike other powder masks often stashed in a tear to open slit.



2. Take a teaspoon of the powder and add a few drops of rose water, mix well until a thick paste is formed. You can use honey, eggs, or mashed fruits as well to make the mixture. I got mine somewhat like this.



3. Apply the paste generously and evenly on the skin. Keep humming for a more radiant outcome *aazmuda nuskha*


4. Let it dry. Meanwhile, go browse some cute cat videos. At least that’s what I did while My cat (Mr Cheeku Cooper) stared at me curiously!

Untitled design (11)

5. Once dry, wash off the mask and spritz rose water on your face to tone up the skin!

6. Now take some selfies and show off your clear, rejuvenated face. That’s how my skin turned out! P.s these are non filter selfies. I look terrific!*chuckles*


Yay or Nay?

My first concern after receiving this product was a really strong minty smell it gave off. I thought it would surely give me an allergic reaction because I don’t take strong scents quite well. Luckily, it was not the case at all. Once I made the paste, the scent pacified and turned into an absolutely yummy aroma.

I wanted to use this product for atleast a month to be able to genuinely review it. I have been using it twice a week and I have noticed no new acne or pimples throughout the month! I see no improvement in uneven pigmentation though, which was my main concern. In anycase; right now, I am relishing a pimples free life!

Coming to the price, you can get approx 100 gms of face pack for Rs 650. It is a bit overpriced as compared to other brands, but I guess all the good things are!

Summing it up, this is the five point rating of the product factors which I deemed important

packaging 1




Note* The Mint cooler suited my skin quite well, but may not necessarily suit yours, so inquire about their products most ideal for your skin before placing an order.

And remember, happy girls are the prettiest! Try turning your happiness contagious and see how your face glows! Until next time! XOXOXOX














Hina Ilyas
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4 thoughts on “Food For Your Face-Review

  1. Varah says:

    Hi Hina!

    Thank you for giving us a try and your feedback! Love your no filter selfie 🙂

    Just to bring to your concerns.

    The Pigmentation.
    Mint Cooler is milder in terms of ingredients to be able to work on most skin types. The use will take a while to begin to yield results. Especially if it is only the face pack you are using. *double time it with a cleanser* Alhamdulillah our other face packs are equally popular and have helped women especially over 50 to pretty away their pigmentation and discoloration.

    The Mint
    It’s peppermint working into the skin to zap your acne 🙂

    The Price
    We hand ground and mix majority of our ingredients and do not rely on materials simply found in the market. We air dry our herbs and handcraft these products fresh. The combination of oils we use are imported. So the price is actually the quick fix you’re paying for.. ie less time and more results in a powerhouse packet. 🙂

    Thank you again for taking time to not just try #FoodForYourFace but taking time to review and offer feedback. It means a lot and helps us do more for YOU. Look pretty. ❤

    Ps. It’s awesome with mashed banana and honey!

    1. Hina Ilyas says:

      I am not very open to using every other skincare product just for the sake of experimentation, so this review is for all the girls like me. Hope your products help their skin too. Just keep bringing these quick fixes to us lazy souls :p

  2. Nyda Mokhtar says:

    I remember how you were worried about your acne a few days ago and m glad that you found this n it worked for you. I like using such products as compared to chemically loaded creams.

    1. Hina Ilyas says:

      Yes, for sometime, I have not been using any creams at all, not even day moisturisers. I have a crazy skin type

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