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Been a busy week? take a break now, and have a look here!

  1.  For sometime, I have started taking interest in cooking for a reason only God knows, so I keep searching for easy to make recipes. This week “Fruit popsicles” is one of the most creative and refreshing frozen dessert I came across and it went right into my “to be made food” list. You can check the recipe here.
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2. If you are planning to set up your own workstation home, take some inspiration here. I have decided to set one, but I cannot find the perfect desk as yet. The quest continues.

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3. Fan of Nazia Hassan? This would be her best video you would watch the whole week.

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4. Going to try this crystal embossed nail metal soon. It looks quite luxurious!

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5. If you would pledge one thing today, this would be it! Show your love to these precious animals because you have the power to stop animal cruelty.

animal support
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Until next time, remain happy and beautiful!

Happy Weekend! xoxoxoxoxoxo

Hina Ilyas
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