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If Percy Spencer was alive, I would have married him without further ado! It’s because of him that a lethargic foodie like me can savor instant meals, that too by making them myself!

I am probably the biggest fan of instant microwave meals and keep trying and recreating these quick recipes. You must have already read about the Microwave cheese potatoes that I shared some time back, so this is a similar sort of variation, but with a dessert this time!

Mug desserts become way more exciting when all they take is hardly 2 to 5 minutes of your time. Almost everyone loves apple pies so I am sharing a super quick apple crumble pie recipe which you can make in a mug without requiring any fancy ingredients. Let’s have a look at this purdy instant sweet.


  • Half an Apple
  • 1 tablespoon of melted butter
  • 4 tablespoons of flour
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder

The Recipe

  1. Add melted butter and sugar in a mug and mix it well with a fork. Make sure there are no lumps left.
  2. Add the egg, flour, and baking powder into the mug and mix well.
  3. Cut apple in little cubes and add them in the mug. Mix all the ingredients properly.
  4. To make the pie crispier and to create crumbles, add bread crumbs on the top. Don’t mix the batter now.
  5. Put the mug in microwave for two minutes.
  6. The pie will swell with a beautiful yellow crumbly texture.
  7. I let it cool for a while and garnished it with some jam on the top. You can also put custard, cream, or cinnamon powder as alternatives!

That’s it! You get a delicious apple dessert prepared in just a few minutes! Ah I love such meals!



The quantity was good enough for two people, just don’t forcibly try to feed it to your cat *like I did*




Hina Ilyas
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2 thoughts on “Apple Crumble Pie in Microwave! An Intant Mug Recipe

    1. Hina Ilyas says:

      Yes it is! Try it someday 🙂

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