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Remember who saved you from your Mom’s wrath countless times? That’s the kind of superhero stuff I am talking about! You go, Dads! Our cape-less superheroes!

Like every other girl, I have always looked up to Abbu for almost everything! When I have to decide a career move, need a hand in tending to my cats, want a partner in crime to tease Ammi *in a fun way of course*, or want someone to clean up after my messy cooking attempts. I don’t consider Daddy’s girls to be those who just like to swipe their dad’s credit card *well I am all for it*, but those who confine in their dads as their best friends too. Here are a few signs that clearly indicate our Dads are superheroes! It’s a girl’s perspective I am putting down from my experience, but I am sure guys can equally relate to a few things here.

He Crafts With You

He is always excited for DIY projects with you and tell you what? He has quite an eye for arts and crafts!


He fixes everything!

He got the degree in engineering by default right when you were born and he has a solution to everything from opening God forsaken stubborn cans to creating a jewelry holder for you. You name it, he gets it done!

He takes care of your pets more than you do!

Your pets are no less than grandchildren for him. He would feed them timely, keep a check on their health and he won’t even hesitate to run with you on the street for chasing your hyper-notorious kitten! Yes, totally happened with us and I am proud of him for that!


He is the King of Jokes

His jokes are the smartest, and sarcasm the crispiest! You don’t realize it but you have actually taken after his funny bones!


He owns Kitchen like a Boss

Okay, maybe a little less “Boss” in this area than your mom, but he never shies away from stepping inside the kitchen and experiment new dishes! It doesn’t sound very much like a typical Pakistani man, so if your Dad loves to whip up a kickass meal for you anytime, girl you are lucky!

He survived your microwave meals experiments!

Not only survived, he brags about them despite knowing you are a terrible, lazy cook! He would even gulp the burnt cupcake down just to cheer you up! Who does that?

He supports all your start-up ideas–even if you have a new one every year!

You have already failed in countless start-ups but he will still listen to another new great idea with the same enthusiasm as the very first time!

He Paints your Nails

Now, that’s the superlative of a superhero skill! Guess what? He paints them better than you can ever imagine! Time to learn girl!

He loves whatever you love!

Lemon tarts, pasta, netflix series, or Harry Potter might not be his favorites, but he would make sure you have tons of all of it whenever you want! Just don’t get spoiled!

He takes the Coolest selfies!

His selfie game is as stong as an Instagram enthusiast! Keep your reservations aside and have him take that photo with you!

Now go ahead and tell him he is your person and you want to be as cool as he is! Happy Father’s day!










Hina Ilyas
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