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Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Are you constantly tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable? If so, guided meditation may be the answer for you. Guided meditation is a type of mindfulness meditation that is specifically designed to promote relaxation and stress relief. In this blog post, I will discuss all you need to know about guided meditation for better sleep.

I will talk about what guided meditation is, the benefits of using it for sleep, and how to get started. So if you are looking for a way to improve your sleep quality, read on!

Guided meditation for better sleep

What is Guided Meditation?

Guided meditation is a form of mindfulness meditation that is led by a teacher or guide. The guide will provide instructions and guidance throughout the meditation, helping you to focus your attention and stay present in the moment. Guided meditations can be performed in person or via audio recordings, making them accessible to everyone.

There are many different types of guided meditation, but all of them share the same goal: to help you relax and de-stress. Guided meditation can be used for a variety of purposes, including reducing anxiety, improving sleep quality, and increasing mindfulness.

How can meditation help with sleep? 

When you meditate, your body goes through many physical changes that help lead you to sleep by affecting different parts of your physiology.

For example, in 2015, JAMA Internal Medicine published a study that observed the effects of mindfulness meditation on 49 adults with moderate sleeping problems. The participants were randomly put into one of two groups: those who would receive 6 weeks of meditation training or sleep hygiene education.

After the 6 weeks were up, researchers found that the group who had received meditation training experienced fewer cases of insomnia and daytime fatigue overall.

The researchers speculate that meditation may assist in several ways. Most often, sleep trouble arrives from stress and anxiety, but if you meditate it improves your relaxation response. It also bolsters control of the autonomic nervous system, lessening how often you’re aroused from sleep..

There are many benefits to using a guided meditation for better sleep. Guided meditation can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which are two common causes of insomnia. Guided meditation can also help to increase relaxation and improve sleep quality. In addition, guided meditation is a safe and natural way to improve your sleep without the use of medication.

How to do guided Meditation

Meditation is a simple practice that can be done at any time and place. You don’t need any special tools or equipment. In reality, the only thing you’ll need is a few minutes. Establishing a meditation regimen, on the other hand, takes practice. You will be more likely to benefit from meditation if you make time for it. Here are the first steps of meditation:

Guided meditation is when someone else leads you through each step of the process. They may tell you to breathe or relax your body in a certain way. Or, they might have you visualize images or sounds. This technique is also called guided imagery.

At bedtime, try listening to a recording of guided meditation clips found below::

The process for creating a guided meditation session varies slightly from source to source, but the following step-by-step instructions offer a basic description of how to perform guided meditation.

  1. Pick a guided meditation recording, then dim the lights on your phone or device..
  2. Start the recording. Get comfortable in bed and breathe deeply and slowly.
  3. Pay attention to the person’s voice. If you start thinking about something else, gently bring your focus back to the recording..

When the recording is finished, sit for a few minutes and observe how you feel. If you’re still wide awake, try repeating the process.

To Sum Up!

Guided meditation can be an effective tool for improving sleep quality. If you are struggling with insomnia, give it a try! Guided meditations are widely available and can be performed in person or via audio recordings. With regular practice, you can enjoy all the benefits that this relaxation technique has to offer.

Did you find this blog post helpful? Let us know in the comments below! And be sure to check out our other blog posts for more mindfulness and lifestyle resources.

Hina Ilyas
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