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What is more exciting about wrapping up the week with Blog anniversary giveaway? Absolutely nothing! Since the day I announced the blog anniversary contest, I had been a little apprehensive about participation, but my readers and followers left me amazed since I received alot of entries and all of you appeared as excited as I am! Some of you followed all the steps, a few missed out one or two things, but in any case, its time to announce the winner today! How about we have a look at the gifts once again!

Oriflame cosmetics
Discount vouchers by Tryst Salon & Spa
A painting by the Vintage Nerd Art Shop

As already mentioned in the giveaway post, I used miniwebtool for random selection and here is the result. *Contain your excitement*


So, the winner is RUBINA KOUSER! Congratulations! Your weekend just turned merrier!

Chia Seeds (19)

Rubina, forward me your details right away, so I can send your gift hamper ASAP!

And the rest of you, thank you so much for taking part in this contest! There are a couple of more giveaways lined up, so you will have a lot more chances to win. I hope you continue enjoy reading Hashtagged! Here is to many more years to our friendship! Have a great weekend y’all!





Hina Ilyas
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1 thought on “Winner Announcement-Blog Anniversary Giveaway 2016

  1. imran says:

    Mubarak hoo

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