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You didn’t see me bustling on blog much throughout the week for a lot of things happening behind the scene. Collaboration with SWOT, prep for a new web series, a new DIY, some family time kept me engaged. I am sharing bits from all of that here!

Joined the SWOT Team

I did this exciting and fun collaboration with The SWOT’s guide which is the largest online food review group of Karachi gradually plunging into other avenues like events organization, lifestyle, fashion, automobile guide and much more. SWOT recently got a few bloggers *read Swoggers* on board from Karachi whose job is to raid the food places across the city and stuff their mouth with possibly every sort of delectable food. So on Sunday, we had our first get together at Nezihe’s home (the founder of SWOT) for breakfast. We tried Halwa Puri from “The Halwa Puri joint”, got to know each other, planned a few things for Karachi eat and simply chitter-chattered for a few hours. It was a pleasure meeting this group of some interesting people from different professional backgrounds. I will keep you updated about all the stirring stuff that the Swoggers have planned!



A Plunge into Cooking Biryani

Shan sent a delicious care package to me last week stacked with some of their famous and a few new masala packets. My eyes were specially set to the newly launched Biryani Sauce so I ended up making Biryani for the first time! *a round of applause please*. With that new Biryani Sauce, you just have to add the sauce into fried chicken and set the layer of boiled rice over it! What you get is authentic and delicious sindhi biryani in hardly 25 minutes! For a girl like me, who loves quick meals and want all the delicious traditional food served right in front of her, this new biryani making experience was quite convenient. I still have to try rest of the masala and recipe packets, so if you want first hand quick reviews of them, you would like to follow me on instagram here.



A new DIY

I and abbu had been working on a new DIY for a week and its almost complete. it’s always cool doing art and crafts projects with him as he gets over excited, comes up with interesting ideas, and keeps me working non-stop until the project is done. I will reveal this DIY next week.

Hint: It’s something to do with peanut shells!


My YouTube Channel

I set up my channel this week for a few mazedar vlogs for you all. The upcoming Vlog is all about movies and I am doing it with one of my movie-holic friends. You are going to love it! Join my channel here.

Parent’s Wedding Anniversary

Yesterday was their 30th wedding anniversary! Yes, I know it sounds wonderful especially for the age when relationships are as fragile as rainbows. We celebrated their anniversary at home because ammi wanted to make something special and she made the astoundingly appetizing folk meal “saag and bajray ki tikian”. It was quite an unconventional meal and we didn’t regret any of it. Saag and bajray ki tikian are the best veg combo in the world and if you want to enhance the flavour, add a little butter over garma garam saag!

As for how my parents met? I think I should share this interesting, filmy story with you soon!



All of that kept me occupied but I will get back to frequent posting from next week. And yes, who is going to attend Karachi Eat this weekend? You will find me there on Saturday and Sunday savouring food like a sinful gluttonous! See you there and have an ahmazing weekend!








Hina Ilyas
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