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Cold is apparantly not going to slip away easily this year and summer kissed people like us have to stay put one way or another. Besides the challenges like having to shower, moving from one spot to another around the house, heading out and thousand other things, caring for skin seems to be the most demanding task for me. For a girl who has all the tendencies to grow crocodile scales on her skin from cold, coconut oil appears to be the saviour. I use it in several ways to moisturise and keep my skin hydrated. There are a few coconut oil routines that I learnt from my daadi and I still follow them.


To have a Warm Hair Oil Massage

I had been on “no hair oiling “mode for a few months for all the trifling reasons but now I have begun taking this ritual seriously. The best hair care winter routine for me is to massage warm coconut oil on my scalp and hair before hitting the hay and have shower the next day. This warm massage is not only relaxing but also saves the hair locks from getting brittle from cold.


To treat Cracked Heels

To be honest, nothing ever worked on softening my cold bitten cracked heels except for coconut oil. I prefer applying lukewarm coconut oil on my entire feet as generously as possible, wear socks and let the oil work overnight. Try it and you will wake up to wee baby soft feet! Aazmuda Nuskha!


To Hush Acne

I learnt this hack from my daadi as she would dab a little coconut oil on pimples and acne leaving it there for a few hours. As I mostly wear makeup for the day, so I do this before going to sleep. You won’t get the results overnight but you will notice acne and marks disappearing after 3 to 4 time’s application.


To Use As An Eye Cream

I recently read this hack somewhere and now applying it for a week or two. All you have to do is ditch your eye cream, and rub a small amount of coconut oil under your eyes. You can leave it overnight or apply it for a few minutes during the day. I have not seen dramatic outcomes yet, but given this oil is rich with vitamin E, I am giving it some more time to work its magic over my stubborn eye bags!

These are all the ways I add coconut oil in my winter beauty regime. How do you use it?

Hina Ilyas
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6 thoughts on “4 ways I Use Coconut Oil As An Essential Winter Skincare Regime!

  1. Fasiha Afzal says:

    Awesome composing. I loved all the tips. I’m also trying to use it for my torn and dry skin. But I’m not able to be consistent with it so I’m not sure about the outcome yet.
    One trick I’m so gonna try in routine is that of Turmeric + Coconut oil (gel form) for whitening my teeth plus lots of other oral hygienic benefits.

    1. Hina Ilyas says:

      Thanks Fasiha! That tumeric tip sounds good, going to give it a go. I know consistency is where we get lazy at times, but I am trying to follow them regularly as much as possible!

  2. Rabiz says:

    Very informative, i only knew about the hair oil massage but the other uses you have mentioned in this post are really interesting and i will try them the next time i use coconut oil

    1. Hina Ilyas says:

      Thanks alot! Glad you found it informative! 🙂

  3. Sara says:

    Really well written, you really showcased the importance of Coconut Oil and why everyone should consider using it. I myself was only aware about using it to massage your hair but the other significance you mentioned are really important

    1. Hina Ilyas says:

      Glad it helped! 🙂

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