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It feels good to be back to this section after a while and give you a recap of my week. I stopped doing it for a while but now going to be regular this time. Pakka promise!


I successfully completed 29 years in this world last week on the 24th of July. You can still send belated birthday gifts. thank you. Last week was majorly about that, not that I lavishly celebrated my birthday but turning 29 feels quite exciting and intimidating at the same time. Exciting because I feel more in control and clear about my priorities in life, and intimidating because my bucket list is never ending and I lost one more year to finish all the tasks I have planned for life. Well, I will pen down this in detail sometime later in a separate post because for now, I am all for non-serious casual talks!

So I didn’t do any fancy birthday party but received the cutest birthday present ever, that too from my baby sister Farah!


Yes, you see that’s a mini cute cushion which I have named “Pichku”. Farah knows how much I love stuffed toys or toys in general that I won’t even mind bullying children, snatching their toys and running away! I am so proud of her for choosing such an exciting *read lethargic, sleepy, good for nothing* face for me. How thoughtful! P.S, my cats have already sat their little fluffy butts on it!

Well, she didn’t only get me this, but a very seriously chic wallet and earrings. Still, my favorite is Pichku!

earings-blogger-pakistan wallet-birthday-gift-hashtagged-blogger



I also met my besties last week after a year. We talk on Whatsapp 24 hours, make plans to meet every weekend, but actually see each other once a year! I take it more like a tradition than a choice which we have kept successfully alive! So this time also, we gossiped like desperate souls, stuffed our faces with as much food as possible, made a quick plan of meeting again coming Sunday *which is not going to happen* and got back home! No matter what, we are soul sisters and got each other’s back forever!


SWOT Session

We had the official SWOT meeting on Tuesday at Khanji, the purpose was to get together and discuss the upcoming plan and strategy for SWOT.  Mr. Khurram-the owner of Karachi Eat festival- also joined us in the meeting and gave his two cents about the situation of hospitality/food industry in Pakistan.  The real surprise was the birthday bash team SWOT had planned for me which I really didn’t expect. I am glad in a short period of time, the SWOT team has turned out to be really good friends, especially when I was not looking forward to making any! The Universe is full of surprises!

Oh, and what did we have for dinner? What do you expect from the foodies? I can’t count the dishes we ordered!


New family

Acha, this is the major highlight of the week. Beeno (my cat) gave birth to four little munchkins and Cheeku (my first bacha aka cat) is a proud dad now! The mother and babies are doing absolutely well and the kids are growing up so fast. We are delighted to have them home! Please say MASHALLAH!



How did your week look like? The weekend is going to be super fun for me and I will share all about it in the next week’s post.

Until next time!



Hina Ilyas
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