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What you seek is seeking you!

No! It’s not some life goals post designed around a striped T, but I quoted these infamous words for encouraging you to keep running after what you really want; because you are an unapologetically obsessive soul and I am proud of you!

I can’t remember for how long I had been looking for a perfect stripped T, looked around online stores, visited the malls, and gave all the rights to my friends to spam my social media feeds whenever they spot one. So it happened last month when I stumbled upon this chic T at Outfitters, and so wanted to share my happiness with you.

I spotted it at Dolmen mall Clifton outfitters in black stripes, asked for a small size which of course was already out of stock! Knew it! The good ones for me are always taken *talking about the Tshirt here*. Mumbling a few curses I headed out and thought of checking it at Outfitter’s store at Tariq Road. The small size was available but only in teal! Hence, I compromised on the color and got back home with it!

Now, let’s talk about the shirt!


It’s a very soft and comfortable linen shirt! The cool, quirky phrase “Out of order” was something that specially made me pick it, because maybe I can relate to it in a few ways. Let’s talk about it some other day. The only downside is I have to wear a slip inside it as the fabric is a bit light! In any case, it’s meant for the hot, sultry Karachi summers so I am fine with this little inconvenience. The phrase is embossed in different colors and looks quite funky. A pair of jeans is perfect to go with it and I also tried pairing it with caprice, but it didn’t look really fancy, so I am sticking with denims here!



That was the short, trivial, not so exciting account of this shirt, I don’t even regret wasting your time, and I will continue doing it! Have a happy weekend!

Until next time!


Hina Ilyas
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