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The word healthy snacking has always triggered a really sad picture in my mind. Boiled vegetables paired with bland boiled meat and a sprinkle of black pepper with some fancy sauce for tricking brain! Afterall when you eat like it’s your last day on earth because you have a fantastic metabolism and no fear of gaining weight, binging on healthy snacks is quite rare—-unless it’s in the form of vegetables topped on a beautifully modest pizza.

But the good people at The Smart Meal recently surprised me by sending a little snacks package which I am reviewing for fitness and regular food enthusiasts like myself. I tried Chipotle Chicken Jalapeno Salad, Mortadella Delights, Chicken Fajita Sandwich coupled with French dressing dip, and Greek yogurt with coriander dip.



Let’s talk about it first. The packaging was impressive with brand labels and tags wrapped around kraft paper bags which kept the food items in place. For a few terrible experience that I have with home delivery where the food reaches home upside down, such packaging ensured everything remains crisp.


Chipotle Chicken Jalapeno Salad (Price Rs. 340)


It was a fresh tossed bowl of iceberg lettuce, corn, jalapeno., and cucumbers topped with strips of grilled chicken. The vegetables were fresh and the Jalapeno had a nice, not too spicy bite.  I couldn’t get a hint of any special dressing but fresh lime spooned over the salad.


Mortadella Delights (Price Rs. 300/4 pieces)


The finely hashed Mortadella was soft topped with olive, tomato, chicken, cucumber, and sausage slice. This was probably the most delectable and light snack from the rest. I just found it a little difficult to handle for the topping and also because it was not a bite-size portion for me.


Chicken Fajita Sandwich (Price Rs.240)


This bran break sandwich was oozing with generous chunks of succulent chicken, loads of it! The green add-on were cucumbers and salad leaves.

The Dips (Complimentary)

The greek yogurt dip had a mild taste so it didn’t overpower the taste of the sandwich. French dip on the other hand complimented Mortadella delight quite well.


What Could Get Better?



The room for improvement that I see is in their delivery schedule.  Smart Meal delivers to all over Karachi at the moment, but during school hours, the orders are restricted to certain areas. So, I hope they work on it to facilitate every customer better.

Regardless, I especially enjoyed the sandwich and mortadella delights. If you are fond of any healthy food brand, do let me know in the comments below.

Have a super duper weekend! Until next time!

This post is in collaboration with The Smart Meal but every cool or not so cool opinion is my own!

Hina Ilyas
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The Smart Meal Review
  • Packaging
  • Taste
  • Quality
  • Price

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