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The launch of new cafes in Karachi recently is both pleasant and confusing. Plesant because now we have more options and confusing because most of them are serving the same items and offering the same taste. Coming across a cafe and getting your mind blown by their delicious menu and remarkable service appears quite rare now, at-least for me. I recently visited Grotto and thought of sharing my experience here!

The first impressive thing about Grotto for me was a cozy, modern ambiance. Though it’s a small space, the team has made sure to create an up to the minute, comfortable space. I especially liked the huge wooden shelf amped up with miscellaneous quirky items that separate the main counter with rest of the dining area.
As for the food, I found their starters much better than the main course. For starters, I tried chicken cigars, artichoke dip, and Caesar salad. Chicken cigars are crispy chicken pieces stuffed with sun dried tomatoes served with parsley dip and fries. I would say it’s a must try item if you plan to visit Grotto. Caesar salad was crispy and fresh and artichoke dip was perfectly baked–not too bubbly, neither too golden brown.
Chicken Cigars
Caesar Salad
Artichoke Dip
On the staff’s special recommendation, I ordered Beef steak with Bearnaise sauce. I was a bit disappointed by the steak as it was quite hard for a medium to well-done consistency. Also, I had to dig into the steak with regular snack knife as the steak knives were not available for everyone! *hail shoulder power* nevertheless the Bearnaise sauce was smooth and creamy flavored with herbs. For the mocktail, my pick was Lichi Daiquiri which was chilled and refreshing but the syrup was a bit sweet probably for my taste.
Beef Steak with Bearnaise sauce
Lichi Daiquiri
I’d like to commend their hospitable team and staff that was quite attentive to our questions and gave us their recommendations about the menu. If I am going there again, it is definitely going to be for their Chicken cigars! 
Let me know which cafe are you obsessing over these days? Until next time!
Hina Ilyas
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Grotto Cafe Rating
  • 7.5/10
    Location - 7.5/10
  • 8/10
    Ambience- - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Menu selection - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Food - 7/10
  • 6.5/10
    Serving time - 6.5/10
  • 7/10
    Presentation- - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Price - 7/10

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