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Day 1 (57)

So summer is half way through. It’s “feel good friday” and I hope August is coming along as awesome as you want it to be!

Many people are going back to school in a month, or just finishing up holidays. Whatever you have planned for August, make it worth while because this month flies by like no tomorrow. I’m assuming you are reading this because you probably DON’T have anything planned for friday.  So let me help you! The first friday of this month, let’s keep it original and settle. Here are 3 things you SHOULD do just for the fun of it.


Yup. But I don’t mean around the world. Travel your city. Many people are about traveling the world and seeing the “unknown”. Guest what, your city has A LOT you don’t know too. Travel to new and exciting parks, theatre, movies or areas in your city you haven’t quite explored yet. If you are one of the people who “hate their city” OR haven’t checked things out in a while; this will definitely open your eyes to cool and new things you could do.


Dine In

Yaaaa! My favourite! Dining-in is fun but how about in YOUR home? It’s time to make your own food and experiment. Pinterest and Facebook offer TONS of recipe ideas to keep your mouth watering of new food to try. I feel many people forget the joys of REALLY making your own food and why not do it on a friday night? Get your jammies on and have fun making whatever you please.


Call A Friend

But not just any friend… and OLD friend. Talk to someone you haven’t in a long time. After 1 and 2, if you haven’t felt good for a friday yet; it’s about time to catch up. It could be your old friend who used to live on your street OR your best friend in elementary school. Whoever you call, do it. Life is too short to forget those people who were a part of your life at some point. Maybe get them to try the food you made OR go out and do some more exploring. If they don’t live close to you, maybe it’s time to Facebook message them or e-mail them!

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So….You are probably asking why this “Friday plan” seems odd?…

Friday’s aren’t always about partying, you can always just take it easy and appreciate what is around you. Society has completely forgotten the ALIVE part in their cities which may be a bad thing. If you never do, you will miss out on the important aspects in life.

Taking the time to enjoy your well-being is the best thing you can do for yourself. Instead of doing what others do, do the opposite and be the best human you are. But the only way to figure out how AMAZING you are, you gotta do something new. Trust me, you will have a sense of completeness and curiosity. All these tips will get you away from social media or just doing something a little more relaxing. All these options are affordable and free and you can make them as fun and creative you life!


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