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I am not a pizza fan, but when it comes to ordering one, Pizza hut is my only choice. The other day, I went to attend the Doritos Pizza launch party, so sharing my experience and taste review here.

The official launch of Doritos crust pizza was celebrated by Pizza hut and a little Crunchy party was thrown for the bloggers and media professioanls. The party had an array of games and fun activities hosted by Anoushey Ashraf. The venue was flooded with people and for a few minutes after entering inside, I could not fathom what was happening there! The coolest thing was the photography wall so I headed towards it and got a photo done with my bestie Nida. The hardcopy of the photo was handed over to us after a while, which looked pretty chic!

The Photography wall
Me with Nida
Anoushey hosting the games

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Now comes the important part, “Taste review”. Although I can spend my whole life solely living on Doritos, and the idea of having a pizza garnished with doritos sounded quite yummilicious, but it turned out otherwise. I am sharing my review here out of five points for each factor.


The pizza crust was thin and plain with doritos encrusted over it. The base was set with a sauce which was very tangy, and salty dominating all other flavors. In short, the taste did not live upto my expectations! I would prefer a pack of Doritos instead!

2 stars


I was already quite disappointed by the taste so I started nibbling on the Doritos instead. A few of them fell off my slice so I had to put them back! They were scattered over the crust in a haphazard fashion. It was not much a tempting view as those in the ads!

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three star


You can get a 12 inch doritos pizza for PKR 1345 which is slightly up other flavors. But considering the taste, I believe it is not worth the price. I would prefer ordering any other flavor for the same price!

three star

Doritos crust pizza definitely sounds scrumptious, but it needs to be improved in terms of flavor! Meanwhile lets dig into a pack of Doritos! Happy Eating!



Hina Ilyas
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