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If you are a 90s kid, CDs would have remained the most precious, techno hip accessories for you. Watching a movie on a CD appeared to be the coolest things to do right? *yeah after VCRs of course*! Well and now, they are no more than old forgotten legends. Likewsie, the big stack of CDs that I own have a miserable two cents life. I mean seriously? Nobody is bothered about them! So I thought of giving them a face lift and recycle them into accessories which are pretty and absolutely viable as home decor items.

This is the first part of my “DIY CD recycling project” where I am sharing how to make a beautiful candle holder with an old CD.


This is a very simple and easy DIY for which you don’t have to head to any craft shop or stationary store. You will find all these items at home!

  1. An old CD
  2. A pair of scissors
  3. Super Glue
  4. A crochet lace and any other funky lace of your choice
  5. Colorful beads of your choice



Take a CD as the base of candle holder and start wrapping the lace (I used thin gota) crosswise around the CD passing it from the centre out.



Once you have wrapped the lace around the CD, fix the end at the back with super glue to keep the lace firm.



Now at the back of the CD, apply glue around the corners and paste the other lace around the edges. Use a thick crotchet lace so it gives a floral look on the other side.



Cut the remaining lace and turn over the CD. This is what you get!


 On the shinier side of the CD, apply glue around the edges and start setting beads.




Repeat the same process for other set of beads placed adjacent to each other and you will get a colorful, dazzling candle holder. You can change the placement of beads upto your likeness.


So easy right? Set a mini scented candle on the top and place this holder on your study table, any boring rack in your living room, or drawing room table to enliven your space. Don’t forget to brag about how you made it yourself!


I will post the second part of this DIY project next week. Meanwhile you make this and tell me how it turns out!

Hina Ilyas
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