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The easiest way to find heaven on earth, and to seek comfort in distress is to have “Food”; finger licking food, any hour *do it on your own risk, don’t blame me afterwards!*. And if you can’t find palatable food immediately at your disposal, there is an even better way! Start plundering instagram food accounts, feast your eyes and tease your taste buds.

In order to make this hunt easier for you, I am rounding up top 5 Pakistani food instagram accounts which are absolutely delectable, visually delightful, and downright stalkable. Here you go!

My Happy Chaotic Kitchen

This deliciously inviting account is run by a food blogger Asna, a Pakistani-American, and mother of two children (Yes, I did some stalking). She especially loves baking and recreates some of the recipes inspired by desi and international cuisine. Her visual food journal features dishes photographed and showcased in an absolutely appealing manner.  It’s also a unique learning resource for all the aspiring food bloggers to learn a thing or two about meals presentation! What a delight!

my happy

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Hunger and Haw Hai

The page is as pleasantly quirky as the name! The lahore based food blogger Insha is inspired by simple food which shows all over her instagram page! Hunger & Haw hai takes us to a visual journey of both traditional and modern food delights. It’s not just a visual treat as you can order scrumptious snacks, dips, and sauces featured on the page from Insha’s own brand “Pantry”. Sounds like a good deal!

hunger and haw hai

hunger and haw hai 2

A Foody’s Kitchen

Owned by a Pakistani Scottish chef Samina, this page features a wide variety of Pakistani recipes. Samina also shares her cooking experience with the followers through her youtube channel. You don’t just stalk, you get to learn too!

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Karachi Food Guide

As the name implies, Karachi Food guide is a micro blog reviewing food places all over Karachi on the go. The page also features prices and ratings so you have a fair idea about a specific food franchise before visiting.

karachi food

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Shayma Saadat is a Pakistani food stylist and chef. Besides Pakistani food, you will find a number of exotic Afghani and Persian recipes on the page owing to her roots in these regions. Spicespoon is simply a beautiful ode to exquisite food and probably one of my favorite insta food accounts!

spicespoon spicespoon 2

These tempting and mouthwatering accounts have left me famished, so off I go to have lunch! Meanwhile, if you know even better food instagram pages, do share!



Hina Ilyas
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2 thoughts on “5 Pakistani Instagram Food pages you should follow!

  1. This is much appreciated, as this blog provide clear idea to follow the most delicious food items pages on instagram.

    1. Hina Ilyas says:

      Thanks Danyal! Glad you liked it 🙂

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