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This week has been the slowest of the year for me! I bet its weather change taking its toll on me and I am sure some of you might also have to deal with seasonal affective disorder every year. I did a post last year about all the ways you can feel better in this gloomy, dry weather, so you can check it here.

Despite a not so happening week, the Halloween dinner was the main higlight so I decided to share with you. Avari hosted a halloween night dinner last week which I happened to attend along with my bestie Nyda. I had not planned to dress up fancy for the night so donning a flower tiara and striking a flower child look seemed just right. Nyda wore a cute minni mouse avatar!



As we entered the lounge, a big uncanny table greeted us showcasing the most bizarre Halloween emblems like mini graves, bewitching pumpkins, magic trinkets, creepy ghosts and bats hanging over a lone tree. The whole space was well bedecked keeping in view the spirit of Halloween.

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Even in the midst of such wacky aura, I happened to find something cute! These black cat table lamps! Don’t tell me you find it creepy!


Other bloggers had already arrived and so we caught up with them and struck a conversation for a while. It was more a dinner than a hocus pocus Halloween party so there was no thinning crowd which I initially expected. After stalling around for a few minutes and capturing all the amusing props and décor, we headed to the dinner area. The menu was created adding a pinch of eerie appeal in the most interesting manner. For instance, for appetizers and entre, we stumbled upon witch fingernails (chicken strips), witches Brew stew (chicken and pumpkin stew), vampire dipping sauce and a range of other spooktacular dishes. Dessert section was the most spectacular and interesting one featuring a range of Halloween inspired sweets like eyeballs pudding, spooky cupcakes, grave diggers dirt and spider cake beside others. I picked the satiating chocolate mousse, churros, ghost dropping, and mini cupcake and loved those churros, and ghost droppings most! As eerie as the tags sound, the food was appetizing!

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It was a well organized event with smart menu selection, and well executed Halloween ambience, but I felt a few more activities like a creep wall, trick or treat booth and photo props could have made it further interesting for the attendees. We also entered the contest that Avari ran for the attendees, and I am keeping my fingers crossed!

So this was something worth sharing for this week, the rest of the days were just wrapped around work, deadlines, and my cat’s cuddles! How was yours? Well, I am still sleepy writing these words, duh! season change, you got me!

Hope you have a great weekend and even a greater week ahead!

Hina Ilyas
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