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Chia Seeds

Besides everything else, summers for me is my mom making Tukh Malanga (Chia Seed) drink almost every single afternoon till the weather pacifies a little. Ironically, right when I am writing this post, its about 2 p.m, the sun is shamelessly gazing at us and the weather is irritably hot and dry! And my mother just asked me if I would like Red squash and chia drink. YES, I would love to please!

Living in a country, or more specifically, in the city (Karachi) where summer remains brazen for almost the whole year, this natural ingredient (Chia seed) becomes an elixir to enliven our heat stricken spirits. Chia seed is a complete vegan protein which has:


But I believe these seeds deserve the foremost spotlight as being our super summer saviours. As it’s already quite hot and dry, there are a few ways in which you can consume Chia seeds to remain hydrated and keep your skin nourished.

Rose Water, Lemon juice and Chia Seeds Drink


  • Stir sugar or sugar syrup in 1/2 cup of warm water
  • Add Chia seeds into this water and sugar solution and refrigerate for about 2 hours until the seeds plump in.
  • Add a few drops of lemon juice and rosewater to taste. Serve the drink chilled.

Chia Seeds with Tang


Traditionally Tukh Malanga drink is not made in Tang here but I thought of giving it a shot and followed this simple recipe:

  • Make Tang juice selecting whichever flavor you like the most. I used Tang Mosambi.
  • Add two tablespoon of chia seeds into the juice and stir well
  • Refrigerate the chia seeds and tang mixture for 2 to 3 hours until the seeds plump
  • Add crushed ice if required and serve!

The traditional Chia seeds and Red Squash drink

rooh afza

This is my mom’s favorite and as I already mentioned, she makes it a lot given excruciating heat nowadays. The recipe is exactly the same as above, just replace tang with Jam e Shirin or Rooh Afza.

Chia Seeds and Watermelon Drink


  • Add three tablespoons of Chia seeds into a glass and pour warm water over. Stir the mixture and leave it for 1 hour for the seeds to plump
  • Blend freshly cut pieces of watermelon. You can also add honey for added benefits. Keep blending until it has a slushy juice like consistency.
  • Pour already prepared Chia seeds and water porridge in a glass or jar of your choice and add blended watermelon juice. Stir well, enjoy this fresh drink!

How about you?

All the above ingredients are easy to get and available in full luscious abundance, so this drink has all the tendency to become your top summer refreshment. The plus side? All these recipes are effortless and idiot-proof! *Don’t ask me about the hell I raise while cooking*!

So, how do you like your Tukh Malanga (Chia Seed) drink? Share if you prefer any other ingredients or flavors.

Keep hydrated, keep nourished, beat the heat!

Hina Ilyas
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