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Chia Seeds (16)

After having a soulful month of prayers/good deeds and stuffing your mouths with scrumptious delights, it’s time to celebrate Eid! While you are at it, here is a happy take on a few things we witness only on Eid day!

Note: You all have done at least one of these things, don’t pretend to wear a halo!

Sheerkhorma all day

From breakfast to dinner, the whole world will be serving you this ! Sheerkhorma lovers, you live for this day! and those who don’t, you will still wake up to its sweet smell!

Tip: If you’ve had enough, pretend throwing up even on the sight of it, and pray the hosts understand!


Getting dressed just to go off to sleep

After tireless hours of makeup and brief flaunts in your perfect eid dress, let’s retire to bed. Of course you got all primped up to sleep in your eid dress, who said otherwise?

Tip: Sleep in a conscious posture so if guests come over out of blue, you can stand up right on your feet without having your clothes or face creased.


Meeting the unwanted

It’s the day to welcome even those you secretly loathe. There might even be some you’ve never seen before! These dur daraz k relatives swarm inside your home like bees and you cant help but fake a few smiles.

Tip: Dont let your mom hint your aversion of them, else bear the long-term emotional consequences.

Khabees Aurat

Counting children of your guests

Last time you checked, they had two, where the hell did these extra four came from? Oh wait, it’s eid, and children from every nook and corner of the neighbourhood are at large! Darn!

Tip: Do you have a store-room? You know what you have to do!


Feasting with the same people!

You invited them to dinner on the first day of eid, now they will invite you to it on the second! An eye for an eye and a dinner for a dinner!

Tip: Never turn the invitation down, they might keep delaying it afterwards!


Collective TV marathon

Everyone gets together and sits religiously in front of television until food is served.

Tip (for boys): Be vigilant, you can anytime be asked to fetch tandoor ki rotian! (for girls): Go on, its small talks time!

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Eidi expectations

You expect a certain well off aunty to increase your eidi this year, and when she grants you a 50 rupee note, you prefer handing it over to your baby sister! Seriously dude? even after all those years?

Tip: Dont be a jerk! Be grateful!


“Same to you”message reply

Instead of responding in a more loving or polite manner, you prefer shooting a same to you reply to a few eid messages. Reason? (a) I am already flooded with eid messages, (b) the sender is no more good enough for me, (c) I am too lazy to type an elaborate response, (d) do I need a reason?

Tip: Save time, don’t even respond!

Despite everything, these are the little, adorable things we come across every year. It’s a blessing to spend this day with family and friends, so no matter how cheap, lazy or mean you feel like behaving, embrace everyone *even duur k rishtedar* with open arms because life is short; and also because they might come handy in the future! *wink*

EID MUBARAK EVERYONE! *Food, I want food?*














Hina Ilyas
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2 thoughts on “8 Things you do only on Eid Day!

  1. LOL! Sheerkorma all day, ugh i hate sheerkorma!! such an accurate list though! eid mubarak to you! love meeting and connecting with my fellow paki girls out here! 🙂
    instagram: @sprinkleofsurprise

    1. Hina Ilyas says:

      haha even I am not a sheerkhorma fan but tradition! Eid mubarak to you as well! Lets keep in touch! 🙂

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