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It’s said the way you spend the first day of the year translates into how the rest of the year is going to be. So I thought of starting the day reading short biographies of a few famous figures *hoping I will have my name written all over the stars by the end of this year-read sarcasm*. The day has been quite uplifting and I should give a little credit to beginning it with a dose of nerdy motivation. Also I believe, sometimes a word, phrase or a simple thought has a major impact on your emotional outlook so I thought of rounding up a few favourite quotes that will help you kick-start 2018 in high spirits! Here you go!


Happy New year to you all! I hope these words lift your spirits every single day and you win loads of free shopping vouchers this year *that’s the real best wish, I know*

Be as awesome as you have always been! Loads of love!

Until next time!


Hina Ilyas
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