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Recently one fine day out of nowhere I got up, pulled a couple of old Kurtis out of my closet, picked scissors and chopped the collars off! Just like that!

These were the kurtis that had been lying in the closet for some time because I am not fond of collars but I probably bought these out of impulse buying or stress (can’t remember now). Since then, they are living a sad life inside the closet; folded, thrown at the back and forgotten.

Thanks to this minimalist revolution surging inside my brain, I planned to cut these collars and recycle the shirts again. While Ammi kept staring at me as I performed the deed, little did she know how her qabil resourceful daughter will later turn these useless collars into cool chokers. So, I ended up with two collars in my hand and this bright idea in my head after a few days.

Look 1: Funky Retro Choker!

Initially, I decided to pretty up one of the chokers with lace but realized it will wear down soon, so the next option was to use beads or buttons. I have about more than a dozen of these funky buttons that I bought when I was running my clothing line and I picked them right away for this black collar because they compliment the classic black floral print adding funk to the choker.




Look 2: Pretty Pearl Choker

Its a lovely print of pink so I wanted to keep it feminine elegant and pearls were the best option to achieve such look. I will probably wear it formally more than as day wear.




How to DIY?

It is super easy and effortless to make such chokers. I am not trying to convince you to go around cropping your shirts, but if you have these sleek spare pieces of clothes, fabric bands or old shirts, you can recycle them into this fashion statement. All you have to do it get the hot glue gun ready, paste buttons, beads, or lace of your choice on one side of the piece of cloth, let it dry. You will get a fabric clasp at any stationery store or from a mochi nearby your home which you can stick or sew at both ends of the choker. I preferred to stick it with a glue gun because I still do not know how to do even a single stitch (how old am I again?).

See, as easy as blogging these days!

DIY projects feel close to heart and it’s satisfying to wear hand made DIY fashion accessories-personally made. I still can’t decide which one I like the best though between the two. Would you like to see more such random DIYs?

Hina Ilyas
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